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Is the crisis scratching? Can’t pay your gas and electricity bills? The groceries? The rent? The mortgage?

With MEGA RICH COMPANY’s MONEY-GIVEAWAY SHOW, the Danes’ economy gets a much-needed injection that can help selected Danes through the crisis.

Do you want to be the lucky holder of 25,000 DKK? There are only five rules. How much are you worth?

“We find ourselves in an economic situation that is unsustainable for ordinary Danes. Inflation is at an unheard-of high level, taxes are rising, prizes are increasing and Mega Rich Company has at the same time had a historically good financial year.” says Sigrid Johannesen, and Ida Grarup adds: “That’s why we at Mega Rich Company have decided to give away 25,000 DKK in cash. It’s the least we can do. All it takes to get the opportunity is to book a place and show up. We look forward to seeing you.”

Note: This description can be changed according to local and time-specific circumstances.



MEGA RICH COMPANY ® Sigrid Johannesen & Ida Grarup




February 21st 2023


Local language with English parts


from 37000 DKK/4108 €

Trailer from performance in Copenhagen, February 21st 2023

About the performance

In MEGA RICH COMPANYs MONEY GIVE-AWAY SHOW, MEGA RICH COMPANY presents the audience with the opportunity of dividing 25.000DKK/2500€ between them through a fixed set of five rules.

The audience are given 1,5 hour and the rules are as follows:

  1.  No one may receive the same amount unless the amount is 0 kroner
  2.  All amounts must be divisible by 100 kr
  3.  All the money must be distributed among the audience
  4.  The money must not be received on behalf of others
  5.  The distribution is approved by a 2/3 majority

Through this social experiment we strive to mirror the way money is being distributed in modern, western democracies and place our audience in a microcosmos of the dilemmas and conflicts of interest that our politicians face.

During the performance a host will facilitate the debate between the members of the audience as well as the hands-on distribution of the money, and a financial expert will through sound clips provide the audience with appropriate knowledge to qualify their choice of how to distribute the money.



MEGA RICH COMPANY is a performing arts collective disguised as a corporate company, founded in 2021 by Ida Grarup and Sigrid Johannesen.

MEGA RICH COMPANY investigates our relationship with finance in the modern world.

With MEGA RICH COMPANY we aim to break free from economic mediocrity. When we look at the world and the future ahead, we see only one solution: to survive future pandemics, wars, and the climate crisis, one must be rich. Very rich.

Therefore, we have established a company that can make us wealthy and ensure the survival of the capitalistic societies in the upcoming crises through innovative economic strategies.

MEGA RICH COMPANY works artistically and activistic, using theatrical tools to examine the emerging wave of entrepreneurship in our society – and uncover how hidden economic logics affect our society and democracy.

About Sigrid Johannesen

Sigrid Johannesen is a theatre director and playwright, currently functioning as Artist-in-Residence at Aarhus Teater with scenographer Laura Løwe. Johannesen’s work includes stage productions and inventive remediations of classics such as Charlotte Brönte’s Jane Eyre (Aarhus Teater, 2023) and Bertolt Brecht’s The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui (Vendsyssel Teater, 2023) as well as interventionist performances such as the public space actions preceding The Troll Show (Sort/Hvid, 2019) and the participatory formats of MEGA RICH COMPANY with scenographer Ida Grarup, a house company of Toaster at Husets Teater.

“I believe you can make theatre breaking much more directly into our reality. And I believe we find ourselves in a time in which we must find new ways of making political theatre again. I love theatre that not only processes reality but expands the limits of what it might contain. I think there is an acute necessity to relate to the world we live in collectively and to imagine new ways of living.”

– Sigrid Johannesen in Politiken, September 2021.

About Ida Grarup

Ida Grarup graduated as a scenographer and costume designer from the Danish National School of Performing Arts in 2016. She works in a multidisciplinary manner, often with a strong visual concept, challenging the audience’s physical presence and involvement in the work. She is consistently co-creative, involved from the initial stages of a performance’s genesis, ensuring that themes are optimally integrated into the scenography and contributing to shape the message conveyed by the performance. In her scenographic work she seeks sensory saturation to enhance the sense of presence in the moment.

In 2017, she won the prestigious Reumert award along with David Gehrt for the scenography of Christian Lollike’s production of “Erasmus Montanus” at Aarhus Teater. In 2018, she was nominated for a Reumert award for Best Scenography for the opera “Silent Zone” at the Copenhagen Opera Festival. Recently, Ida has created scenographies for the opera “ORFEO” at Teater Sort/Hvid, as well as for “Dekameron” and “Idioten” at Teater Republique.


Miriam Frandsen
+45 21 86 51 84

+45 22 42 16 42

Sigrid Johannesen, MEGA RICH COMPANY
+45 21 76 36 36

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