Performance: Danish
Collective Manifestation: Primarily Danish
Concept, video & performer
Jacob Remin
Sound design
Simon Littauer
Light design
Christian Vest Berntsen
Tanja Diers
Magical consultant
Linelu Falk
Photos from performance
Søren Meisner
Nathaniel Budzinsky, Signe Lillemark, Bobby Ågren, Lotte Løvholm, Lua Løvholm Remin, Martin Padalak, Henrik Chulu, Michael / 3literværkstedet, Svend Sømod, Sally Ingvorsen, Aleksandr Sandovich, Georg Jagunov
Husets Teater, Sort sal
6/11 - 7/11 2024, at 19:00 PM
Acting In & Out - Performance and Activism
Magical Ritual for the Preservation of the Earth + God Energi Klimakor
Jacob Remin
Part of the performance program Acting In & Out. Performance: Magic Ritual for the Preservation of the Earth by Jacob Remin. Collective manifestation: God Energi - Klimakor.
We live in a world that is looking into climate collapse. This is not a new situation. Science has been shouting loudly for many years and the politicians have said they are listening. Yet we do not act. We are paralyzed, stuck in a death spiral.
Magical Ritual for the Preservation of the Earth is a magical counter to the status quo. A collective manifestation that seeks to radicalize the participants to climate action through magical contracts.
Jacob Remin is a visual artist, engineer, composer and designer. Central to Remin’s practice is collaboration and infrastructural criticism.
Remin experiments with performative and sculptural manifestations of alternative algorithmic logics. Through his practice, he wants to create alternative narratives and worlds that are more spacious and plastic.
In addition to the performance, there will subsequently be a collective manifestation with invited guests, who focus on the audience’s thoughts and room for action in relation to the theme of the performance.
This evening, Phie Ambo & Christina Boelskifte from Klimakoret God Energi will invite the audience to a joint choral singing. The diverse choir God Energi sings songs about the fossil industry to draw attention to our climate and biodiversity crisis in an entertaining way. Usually they do actions that designate who is funding the fossil fuel industry; it can be banks, pension funds or trade associations. In December 2023 they did a Christmas action in front of Dansk Offshore and Danske Bank, and in January and February 2024 they had actions in front of the Danish Energy Agency and PFA-pension. They have also made tribute actions in front of Denmark’s Nature Conservation Association and Maria Gjerding, to celebrate their work in restoring Danish nature.
The collective manifestations are organized in collaboration with Ph.D. Storm Møller Madsen from the Department of Art and Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen.
Acting In & Out is an interdisciplinary program with artists from both the performing arts world and the visual arts world, who over four weeks at Husets Teater examine the framework for staging contemporary narratives.
Toaster presents four Danish groups/artists who all challenge the status quo and are concerned with socio-political issues both on the external and internal level. Nature and bodies, stretched out and up against economy, climate, gender and other power structures.
Each evening, in addition to the performance, there will be a collective manifestation with invited guests, who focus on the audience’s thoughts and room for action in relation to the theme of the performance. There will be reading aloud, embroidery, acupuncture, dragon building and choral singing in a safe space, where the audience is guided and met in a common conversation about what concerns us and where there is room for difference, doubt, hope and action!
Toaster sends a big thank you to OPE-N, S/H, and Greenpeace for the collaboration on Shout and Efter Festen, which have been instrumental and invaluable projects in the creation of Acting In & Out.
Concept, video & performer
Jacob Remin
Sound design
Simon Littauer
Light design
Christian Vest Berntsen
Tanja Diers
Magical consultant
Linelu Falk
Photos from performance
Søren Meisner
Nathaniel Budzinsky, Signe Lillemark, Bobby Ågren, Lotte Løvholm, Lua Løvholm Remin, Martin Padalak, Henrik Chulu, Michael / 3literværkstedet, Svend Sømod, Sally Ingvorsen, Aleksandr Sandovich, Georg Jagunov
Supported by

Performance: Danish
Collective Manifestation: Primarily Danish