
Maria Louceiro


Den Frie Udstillingsbygning


10/10 2024


Artificial Optimism performance program



Jessica Ekomane

Performance happens together with 'FIN DE SECTION' by Ville Laurinkoski

Jessica Ekomane (*FR)

essica Ekomane works with so-called quadrophonic sound where speakers are placed in each corner of the room. This makes it possible to reproduce sound signals that are mutually independent of each other. For example, the artist can use separate, independent rhythms in each speaker which then blend and merge in the listener’s ears, becoming a complex whole. The artist is interested in the physical effects of sound, in how sound can physically affect the body and how we sense and perceive the world. A recurring trait in her work with aural affects concerns the use of psychoacoustics and rhythms in several layers and explorations of the interaction between noise and melody. For example, the artist may take her starting point in sound used as a ‘block’ or static situation where changes in the soundscape do not take place in sequences, but via slowly changing relationships in the composition, creating new interactions between elements and various small events. Her sound-based works offer the possibility of moving through complex systems that gradually fall apart.



Jessica Ekomane is a French-born and Berlin-based electronic musician and sound artist. Her practice unfolds around live performances and installations. She creates situations where the sound acts as a transformative element for the space and the audience. Her quadraphonic performances, characterized by their physical affect, seek a cathartic effect through the interplay of psychoacoustics, the perception of rhythmic structures and the interchange of noise and melody. Her ever-changing and immersive sonic landscapes are grounded in questions such as the relationship between individual perception and collective dynamics or the investigation of listening expectations and their societal roots. Jessica Ekomane was one of the composers chosen as collaborators by Natascha Süder Happelman for her installation at the German pavilion of the Venice Biennale 2019. She’s also part of the SHAPE Platform roaster of artists for 2019. As a Berlin Community Radio [INCUBATOR] resident for their 2017 edition, she now hosts a monthly show on Cashmere Radio. “Open Sources” is focused on linking folk and traditional music with contemporary musical experiments. Her work has been presented in various institutions across Asia, Australia and Europe such as CTM festival, KW (Berlin), Ars Electronica (Linz), Dommune (Tokyo) and MUMA (Melbourne).



Artificial Optimism is an exhibition about the resonances of futurism in contemporary art, which can be experienced at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning from Aug. 24th – Oct. 27th 2024. During the exhibition period, performances and concerts by the exhibiting artists will be regularly held. Performance was central to futurism and the program is inspired by the evenings and afternoons that the futurists held between 1909 and 1914, where they presented combinations of readings, sound art, happenings, etc. Participation in the performance program is free when the ticket to the exhibition has been paid.

The exhibition’s performance program has been developed under the auspices of Toaster, a collaboration between Husets Teater and Den Frie.


Maria Louceiro